I have been hard at work from the start of this year on painting more of my Blurred Fields series. I recently took my works to the Cologne Discovery Art Fair and they were received very positively in Germany.

It was in Cologne that I got very good news from the US: The Pollock-Krasner Foundation awarded me a grant. I am one of the 111 artists from 17 countries to receive this year’s grant, and the only one from Slovakia. It is very motivating for me to realise that I succeeded in a highly competitive international environment.

The award I have received from the foundation will help me focus on my work even better in the coming year. I’m glad I will be able to make some improvements in my atelier.

I am now finishing some of my oil-on-canvas paintings, and am already looking forward to going back to etching for a while in the next months. I also plan to do some more paintings after that, ahead of my trip to Finland, where an exhibition of my works is planned to take place in autumn this year.