Tomáš Žemla Bio Recent Activity Pinhole Project | 2021 | Response to Stimulus Images of a Fading World | 2020 | Violet Garden | 2020 | 2024 Body of Artwork Robinia | 2020 | Blurred fields XII, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2019 Blurred fields X, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2019 Blurred fields XI, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2019 Blurred fields IX, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2019 Blurred fields VIII, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields VI, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields IV, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields I, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields VII, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields V, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields III, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Blurred fields II, 60x60cm, oil on canvas 2018 Interfields I, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Interfields IV, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Fields XV, oil on canvas, 40x40xm, 2018 Interfields V, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Interfields II, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Interfields III, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Interfields VI, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In the middle of the field II, 60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In the middle of the field I, 60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In the middle of the field III, 60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In the middle of the field IV, 60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land V, etching aquatint, 75x75cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VII, etching aquatint, 75x75cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VI, etching aquatint, 75x75cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VIII, etching aquatint, 75x75cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VIb, etching, aquatint, silkscreen, 75x120cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land Vb, etching, aquatint, silkscreen, 75x120cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VIIb, etching, aquatint, silkscreen, 75x120cm, 2018 Testimony of minimalism man touched land VIIIb, etching, aquatint, silkscreen, 75x120cm, 2018 Fields project VI, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2018 Project white II, oil on canvas, 300x130cm, 2017 Project white I. 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2017 Fields project IV, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields project V, 300x130, oil on canvas, 2017 Fields project III, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields project II, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2015 Fields project I, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2015 Trif, 300x130cm, oil on canvas, 2012 On the table, oil on canvas, 300x130cm, 2012 Soft variant of fields IV, Diptich, 2x40x40cm, Etching, aquatint, 2018 Soft variant of fieldsII, Diptich, 2x40x40cm, Etching, aquatint, 2018 Soft variant of fieldsIII, Diptich, 2x40x40cm, Etching, aquatint, 2018 Soft variant of fields, Diptich, 2x40x40cm, Etching, aquatint, 2018 Fields-project-colour, etching, aquatint, 90x60cm, 2017 Čina Serie, Fields project, etching, aquatint Fish project I, 100x130cm, oil on canvas, 2015 Fields project V, 130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Waterfields, 130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2017 Testimony of minimalism man touched land IV, etching, aquatint, 50x50cm, 2017 Testimony of minimalism man touched land III, etching, aquatint, 50x50cm, 2017 Testimony of minimalism man touched land I, etching, aquatint, 50x50cm, 2017 Testimony of minimalism man touched land II, etching, aquatint, 50x50cm, 2017 Open type III, Open type IV, Closed Type IV, Etching, aquatint, every single 50x70cm, 2016-2017 Cina Project, Closed Type I, Closed Type II, Open Type I, Etching, aquatint, every single- 45x55cm, 2016 Grove II, Groves I, Groves III, every single 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2014 Boskages-II-Etching-Aquatint-15x15cm Boskages-I-Etching-Aquatint-15x15cm Grapevine, etching, aquatint, 12,5x12,5cm, 2014 Boskage I, Etching, Aquatint, 12,5x12,5cm, 2014 Pescara, 100x100cm, oil on canvas, 2017 Poppies in the dark, 90x90cm, oil on canvas, prepaint 2017 Boskage blue and yellow, 100x100cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Babushka blueprint, oil on canvas, 70x70cm, 2014 In boskage, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Boskage V, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Boskage II, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Boskage IV, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Boskage I, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 Boskage III, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2014 One day- morning, 25x30cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields XIII, oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 One day- noon, 25x30cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields XI, oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 On the table II, oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 One day- evening, 25x30cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields XIV, oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 On the table IV ,oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 One day- night, 25x30cm, oil on canvas, 2016 Fields XII, oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 On the table III ,oil on canvas, 25x30cm, 2013 FIELDS II, Oil on canvas 40x40cm, 2011 Fields V, Oil on canvas, 40x40cm, 2011 Blackthorn,90x90, Oil on canvas, 2013 Cherry, Oil on canvas, 40x40cm, 2013 FIELDS VI, oil on canvas 40x40cm, 2011.jpg FIELDS VII, Oil on canvas, 40x40cm, 2011 FIELDS III, Oil on canvas 40x40cm, 2011 FIELDS IV, oil on canvas, 40x40cm, 2011 Wild rose, 70x100cm, oil on canvas, 2013 FIELDS_I_Oil_on_canvas_90x60cm Hills, oil on canvas, 70x100cm, 2013 BABUSHKA III, 100x100, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA V, 70X70cm, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA II, 100x100, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA VI, 70X70cm, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA I, 100x100, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA VII, 70X70cm, oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA IV 70X70cm oil on canvas, 2010 BABUSHKA VIII, 70X70cm, oil on canvas, 2010 200X130, FIELDS OF GOLD, oil on canvas, 2010 M, 155x126, oil on canvas, 2010 3, 29x28, oil, pencil on desk, 2009 GOTHIC APPLICATION, 29x28, oil,pencil, tempera on desk, 2009 TRITIUM, 29x28, oil, ink, gold leafs on desk, 2009 EROTIKA, 155x135, oil on canvas, 2009 MESACNICA, 155x135, oil on canvas, 2008 VECERNICA,155x135, oil on canvas, 2009 Detvan, 130x100, oil on canvas, 2008 Diploma, 7, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 9, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 8, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 6, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 1, 155x135cm ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 2, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 3, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 5, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007 Diploma, 4, 155x135 ACRILYC, 2007