Inter-fields II, front
Inter-fields II, front

Inter- fields

“V medzi-polí” je cyklus diel rozmanitých techník, rôznych tematických okruhov, rôznych foriem ale zároveň koncipovaných do uceleného projektu, ktorým sa vyjadrujem vo viacerých úrovniach.
Prvá a základná úroveň, že gro diel je vo forme skôr geometrickej abstrakcie, aj keď nie v ostrých hranách, ale skôr v plynulom rozhraní. Farebnosť a kultivácia priestoru je skôr pastelová a jemná. Tento účelovo farebne rozvrhnutý koncept v dvoch dielach zámerne farbou rozbíjam. Ide o dva čierne obrazy, ktoré majú vytvárať v tomto minikoncepte farebný zásah.
Okrem farebného rozhrania, ktoré je na prvý pohľad zrejmé, je rovina ešte jedna, ktorá naráža na statiku uceleného konceptu. Nachádza sa tu pár obrazov, ktoré sa odlišujú formou a tématikou, sú naturalistické: červené divoké prasa na čiernom pozadí, rozmazaná krajina, alebo vlnkový zhrdzavený plech. Tieto diela zámerne vytvárajú neistotu v istých geometrický projektoch, vytvárajú dynamiku v statike.
V menších rozmeroch diel sa vraciam ku svojim intermediálnym materiálovým projektom. Kašírujem na plátno ručne robený papier, ktorý domaľovávam, tvarujem a adjustujem. Témou sa však zhodujú s maľovanými obrazmi. Rovnako experimentom bolo pre mňa aj vytvorenie obrazov zo stredovej výplne starej skrine. Keď som likvidoval drevotrieskovú skriňu, v dvierkach sa nachádzala výplň, ktorá mi ideálne padla do projektu. Využil som potenciál tvaru a štruktúry, ktorý som následne kašíroval na plátno a domaľovával.

Celý projekt je malý vizuálny cyklus, s ktorým som strávil niekoľko mesiacov. Inter-fields ako téma nie je u mňa nová. Napájam sa na už existujúci cyklus, ktorý som vytvoril v roku 2018.

Tomáš Žemla

Interfields II Corner
Inter-fields II, corner

Inter- fields

Inter-fields is a series of works using various techniques, various thematic areas, various forms, conceived as one whole project through which I express myself on several levels.
The first and basic level is that the works are rather formed as geometrical abstractions, though not with sharp edges, rather with fluid boundaries. The colours and the cultivation of the space is toned in pastel, soft tones. In two of the paintings, I disrupt this colour concept. This regards two black paintings, meant to create a colour intervention in this miniconcept.
Apart from the colour scheme, apparent at first sight, there is another level, touching upon the static of the whole concept. This regards several paintings that are different when it comes to form and theme, naturalistic in character: the red wild pig against the black background, blurred landscape, or a rusty metal. These works are intended to create uncertainty in certain geometrical projects, creating dynamic in statics.
On the smaller paintings, I go back to my intermedia material projects. I attach the hand-made paper on the canvas and subsequently paint over it, shape it, and adjust it. The link between these works and my paintings is the theme. I also experimented with creating pictures out of the filling of an old wardrobe. The chipboard that I extracted from the piece of furniture ideally fit into my project. I used the potential of its shape and structure and subsequently attached it to the canvas and painted over it.
The whole project is a small visual series that I spent a few months on. Inter-fields is not a new theme for me, it is linked to my earlier series, created in 2018.

Tomáš Žemla

Inter-fields series 2, VIII, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, VIII, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series II, I, 43x49cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series II, I, 43x49cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series 2, V, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, V, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, XIII, 40x50cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, XIII, 40x50cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, IX, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, IX, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, II, 70x50cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series 2, II, 70x50cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series 2, VI, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, VI, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Interfields II, XIV, oil on canvas, 40x30cm, 2022m
Interfields II, XIV, oil on canvas, 40x30cm, 2022m
Inter-fields series 2, XI, 30x30cm, processed wood on canvas, painting, 2022
Inter-fields series 2, XI, 30x30cm, processed wood on canvas, painting, 2022
Inter-fields series 2, VII, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, VII, 50x60cm, oil on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, III, 70x60cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series 2, III, 70x60cm, oil on canvas,2021
Inter-fields series 2, IV, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, IV, 30x30cm, handmade paper on canvas,2022
Inter-fields series 2, XII, 30x30cm, processed wood on canvas, handmade paper, 2022
Inter-fields series 2, XII, 30x30cm, processed wood on canvas, handmade paper, 2022
Interfields II, XIV, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields II, XIV, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields II, XV, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields II, XV, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields II, XVI, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields II, XVI, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022
Interfields I, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Interfields IV, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Fields XV, oil on canvas, 40x40xm, 2018
Interfields V, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Interfields II, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Interfields III, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Interfields VI, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Half-fields II, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields II, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields V, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields V, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields X, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields X, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields III, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields III, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields I, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields I, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VI, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VI, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields IV, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields IV, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VII, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VII, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields IX, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields IX, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields XI, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields XI, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VIII, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018
Half-fields VIII, shaped hand paper, 35x35cm, 2018