Areas of Transformation, Ga lerie Pekelné sáně, 2024
Areas of Transformation, Ga lerie Pekelné sáně, 2024
Defragmentation X, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Defragmentation X, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Defragmentation IX, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation IX, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VIII, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VIII, 300x300cm, oil on canvas, 2023


“Defragmentácia je proces, pri ktorom sa znižuje alebo úplne odstraňuje fragmentácia súborového systému z počítačových diskových jednotiek alebo z jednotlivých diskových oddielov. Deje sa fyzickým reorganizovaním častí súboru za sebou, čím sa zvýši rýchlosť spracovávania vďaka kontinuálnemu prístupu”.

Defragmentácia v tomto prípade nie ako doslovný proces, ale skôr ako idea, ktorá zastrešuje moju potrebu zorganizovať viaceré výtvarné a ekologické aspekty v ich rozmanitosti. Najdôležitejším aspektom je makrokozmos priestorového ukotvenia cyklu. 

Celý projekt vychádza priamo z môjho okolia – územia dediny, v ktorej žijem. Je obklopená poliami, ktoré pretínajú úzke remízky, stromoradia, či poľné cesty. Väčšina remízok je široká nanajvýš 20 metrov, len s jedným pásom stromoví. Vyskytujú sa v ňom úžasné pohľady, naozaj málokto by čakal, že taký úzky priestor môže vo vnútri navodiť dojem pralesa. Patvary hnijúceho dreva opadaného z obrovských starých vŕb lemované zeleňou poskytujú prirodzený úkryt pre divú zver a hmyz a chránia tak lokálnu biodiverzitu. A práve takéto úzke priestorové okno sa stalo nosným námetom pre cyklus Defragmentácia, ktorý rozvíjam primárne v obrazoch a je prvým fragmentom z výstavného projektu.

Druhým fragmentom  sú odliatky starých vŕb pochádzajúcich z tohto prostredia. Tieto stromy vyrábam zo starých krabíc, ktoré trhám, varím, mixujem a následne používam ako hmotu na odlievanie. „Si prach a na prach sa obrátiš“ (Gn 3, 19),  je znenie liturgického textu, ktorý aplikujem na tento cyklus v podobe “Si strom a na strom sa obrátiš”. Život stromu je tu uzavretý do nekonečného cyklu: strom – celulóza – papiera – strom. Stáva sa tak akýmsi ideálom udržateľnosti, o ktorú sa človek 21.storočia musí usilovať čoraz naliehavejšie.  

Cyklus Robinia- Agáty, ktorý tvorí tretí fragment projektu, je z toho istého územia. Je to stromoradie starých agátov, ktoré sa nachádzajú pozdĺž hlavnej cesty. Pred pár rokmi ich orezali. Na väčšine po zásahu zostalo hlavné torzo, z ktorého začali vyháňať mladšie konáre. To vytvorilo kontrast hmôt, starého-mohutného a štíhleho-mladého. Nehľadám v tom synonymá ľudských charakterov, skôr vizuálne významy, ktoré v horizontálnom navrstvení sú minimalistickým stvárnením reálnej skutočnosti v priestore.

V projekte Defragmentácia sa tak spájajú viaceré čiastkové problémy, ktoré zo svojho okolia prenášam do svojej tvorby. Výtvarne v ňom reorganizujem priestor tak, aby hovoril o realite, ktorá umelca aj diváka núti zamyslieť sa aj nad svojou vlastnou identitou, ktorá je závislá na okolitom prostredí a naopak.



“Defragmentation is the process of reducing or completely removing file system fragmentation from computer disk drives or from individual disk partitions. It is done by physically reorganizing parts of a file in sequence, thereby increasing processing speed through a continuous approach.”

Defragmentation in this case is not a literal process, but rather an idea that encompasses my need to organize multiple artistic and ecological aspects in their diversity. The most important aspect is the macrocosm of the spatial anchoring of the cycle. 

The whole project is based directly on my surroundings – the territory of the village where I live. It is surrounded by fields, intersected by narrow woods, tree lines, or dirt roads. Most of the woods are at most 20 metres wide, with only one belt of trees. There are some amazing views, indeed few would have expected that such a narrow space could give the impression of a forest inside. Shapes of rotting wood fallen from the huge old willows, lined with foliage, provide natural shelter for wildlife and insects, protecting the local biodiversity. And this narrow spatial window has become the supporting theme for the Defragmentation series, which I am developing primarily in paintings and is the first fragment from the exhibition project.

The second fragment are casts of old willows originating from this environment. I make these trees from old boxes that I tear, boil, mix and then use as a casting material. “You are dust and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19) is the wording of the liturgical text I apply to this cycle in the form “You are a tree and to a tree you shall return”. The life of the tree is here enclosed in an endless cycle: tree-pulp-paper-tree. It thus becomes a kind of sustainability ideal that 21st century man must strive for with increasing urgency.  

The Robinia cycle, which forms the third fragment of the project, is from the same territory. It is a grove of old acacia trees located along the main road. They were pruned a few years ago. After the intervention, most of them were left with a main torso from which they have started to sprout young branches. This has created a contrast of masses, old-muddy and slender-young. I’m not looking for synonyms of human characters in this, rather visual meanings that, when layered horizontally, are a minimalist rendering of real reality in space.

The Defragmentation project thus combines several sub-problems that I bring from my surroundings into my work. In it, I reorganize the space in a way that speaks about reality, which forces both the artist and the viewer to think about their own identity, which is dependent on the surrounding environment and vice versa.

Defragmentation I, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation I, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation IV, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation IV, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation II, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation II, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation V, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation V, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation III, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation III, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VI, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VI, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VI, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Defragmentation VI, 45x45cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris IV, For tree you are and to tree you shall return IV, Recycled handmade paper, 200x110×40cm, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris IV, For tree you are and to tree you shall return IV, Recycled handmade paper, 200x110×40cm, 2023
Death trees I, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Death trees I, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris I, For tree you are and to tree you shall return I, Recycled handmade paper, 260x110×60cm, 2022.
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris I, For tree you are and to tree you shall return I, Recycled handmade paper, 260x110×60cm, 2022.
Death trees II, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Death trees II, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris II, For tree you are and to tree you shall return II, Recycled handmade paper, 212x35×23cm, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris II, For tree you are and to tree you shall return II, Recycled handmade paper, 212x35×23cm, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris III, For tree you are and to tree you shall return III, Recycled handmade paper, 215x110×56cm, 2023
Lignum es et in lignum reverteris III, For tree you are and to tree you shall return III, Recycled handmade paper, 215x110×56cm, 2023
Death trees III, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Death trees III, 40x40cm, etching, aquatint, 2023
Robinia, 48x396cm, Etching, Aquatint, 2020
Robinia, 48x396cm, Etching, Aquatint, 2020